If you've received any value from our content, please help support our effort here.
The Associate Producer Club |
The Producer Club |
Set up a RECURRING donation of $17.76 and you will receive ASSOCIATE PRODUCER credit, your name will be announced, and included, in ALL show notes for EVERY show going forward. (Must maintain a regular recurring donation)
Set up a RECURRING donation of $18.36 and you will receive PRODUCER credit, your name will be announced, and included, in ALL show notes for EVERY show going forward. (Must maintain a regular recurring donation)
The Executive Producer Club
Set up a RECURRING donation of $25.00 or more and you will receive EXECUTIVE PRODUCER credit. Your name will be announced, and included, in ALL show notes for EVERY show going forward. (Must maintain a regular recurring donation)
You can also help fund our show by scanning the QR Code below and shopping at the Alex Jones Store, and 10% of your purchase comes to us.